Apply Now

Apex Innovation Academy is currently accepting applications for the 2024-2025 school calendar year. Students who will be in 3rd through 8th grades are welcome to apply. Students outside these grades will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Space is very limited.

Application Process

  1. Fill in the student application completely and thoroughly.

  2. At the end of the student application, you will be offered an opportunity to apply for financial aid. Both parents must supply the last two years' tax returns and documentation of other financial claims.

  3. Next, your student application is reviewed by Apex officials and considered for moving on to phase 2 of the application process, a family interview.

  4. AIA will then notify you of acceptance or denial of entry and the amount of any financial aid you have been awarded.

  5. If the student is accepted and the family agrees to the terms, a contract is then signed by the parents.

  6. After paying your deposit (first month's payment), your child becomes a full-fledged Apex Innovation Academy student!

Would you like to discuss Apex Innovation Academy with Tim? Click below to book an appointment with him.